Class AUI

Package class diagram package AUI
  extended by org.sgx.j2s.js.NativeWrapper
      extended by org.sgx.j2s.yui3.yui.YUINativeWrapper
          extended by org.sgx.j2s.yui3.yui.event.EventTarget
              extended by org.sgx.j2s.yui3.yui.YUI
                  extended by org.sgx.j2s.aui.AUI

public class AUI
extends YUI

Nested Class Summary
static class AUI.AUILoadListener
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.sgx.j2s.yui3.yui.YUI
YUI.Timer, YUI.YUIConfig, YUI.YUILoadListener
Field Summary
private  AUI.AUILoadListener _AUIReadyListener
Fields inherited from class org.sgx.j2s.yui3.yui.YUI
Anim, Array, Drag, Event, Intl, io, Lang, Node, Obj, UA
Fields inherited from class org.sgx.j2s.yui3.yui.YUINativeWrapper
Fields inherited from class org.sgx.j2s.js.NativeWrapper
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  java.lang.Object _buildNativeInstance(YUINativeWrapper w)
          overwrite this YUI method so AUI is created instead of YUI instance
 AutoComplete newAutoComplete(java.lang.Object cfg)
          Available configuration attributes:
alwaysShowContainer - Boolean
Always show the results container, instead of only showing when the user is requesting them.
 Button newButton(java.lang.Object cfg)
activeState - Boolean
Whether to track the active state of the button.
 Dialog newDialog(java.lang.Object cfg)
          Description of configuration object properties
bodyContent - Node | String
 DialogManager newDialogManager(java.lang.Object cfg)
          creates a new DialogManager instance
 Editable newEditable(java.lang.Object cfg)
cancelButton - String
Button constructor Object for the cancelButton.
 NestedList newNestedList(java.lang.Object cfg)
 Panel newPanel(java.lang.Object cfg)
 Resize newResize(java.lang.Object cfg)
 Tooltip newTooltip(java.lang.Object cfg)
align - Object
 TreeViewDD newTreeViewDD(java.lang.Object cfg)
 void ready(java.lang.Object[] modules, AUI.AUILoadListener l)
          ready TODO: method similiar to use() in AUI
Methods inherited from class org.sgx.j2s.yui3.yui.YUI
_create, _setData, addClass, aggregate, augment, bind, cached, clone, each, error, extend, guid, hasClass, later, log, merge, message, mix, namespace, newDrag, newOverlay, newOverlayManager, newWidget, rbind, removeClass, replaceClass, simulate, some, stamp, throttle, toggleClass, use
Methods inherited from class org.sgx.j2s.yui3.yui.event.EventTarget
after, before, detach, detachAll, fire, getEvent, on, once, publish
Methods inherited from class org.sgx.j2s.yui3.yui.YUINativeWrapper
Methods inherited from class org.sgx.j2s.js.NativeWrapper
_call, _get, _getData, create
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private AUI.AUILoadListener _AUIReadyListener
Constructor Detail


public AUI()
Method Detail


protected java.lang.Object _buildNativeInstance(YUINativeWrapper w)
overwrite this YUI method so AUI is created instead of YUI instance

_buildNativeInstance in class YUI


public void ready(java.lang.Object[] modules,
                  AUI.AUILoadListener l)
ready TODO: method similiar to use() in AUI


public Button newButton(java.lang.Object cfg)

activeState - Boolean

Whether to track the active state of the button.
Default Value: false

classNames - Object

An object map of the CSS class names to use for the different interaction states.

defaultState - Boolean

Whether to apply the default interaction state to the button
Default Value: true

handler - Function | Object

An event callback to handle when a user interacts with the button. This can either be a function that will be attached on click, or an object map that accepts the following keys: {fn: // The function to execute context: // The context to execute the function in type: // The type of event to listen for (defaults to "click") }
Default Value: false

hoverState - Boolean

Whether to track the hover interaction state of the button.
Default Value: true

icon - String

The icon to use inside of the button. Possible values are:

label - String

Text to use inside of the button.


public Panel newPanel(java.lang.Object cfg)


public TreeViewDD newTreeViewDD(java.lang.Object cfg)


public Resize newResize(java.lang.Object cfg)


public Dialog newDialog(java.lang.Object cfg)

Description of configuration object properties

bodyContent - Node | String

Default Value: HTMLTextNode

buttons - Array

Array of object literals, each containing a set of properties defining a button to be appended into the Dialog's footer. Each button object in the buttons array can have two properties:

The text that will display on the face of the button. The text can include HTML, as long as it is compliant with HTML Button specifications.
A reference to a function that should fire when the button is clicked. (In this case scope of this function is always its Dialog instance.)
Default Value: []

close - boolean

If true the close icon will be displayed on the Dialog header.
Default Value: true

constrain2view - Object

Will attempt to constrain the dialog to the boundaries of the viewport region.

destroyOnClose - boolean

Invoke the destroy method when the dialog is closed (i.e., remove the Dialog boundingBox from the body, purge events etc).
Default Value: false

draggable - boolean

Boolean specifying if the Panel should be draggable.
Default Value: true

dragInstance - A.DD.Drag

Stores the Drag instance for the A.DD.Drag used by this Dialog.
Default Value: null

modal - boolean

True if the Panel should be displayed in a modal fashion, automatically creating a transparent mask over the document that will not be removed until the Dialog is dismissed. Uses OverlayMask.
Default Value: false

resizable - boolean

Boolean specifying if the Panel should be resizable.
Default Value: true

resizableInstance - Resize

Stores the Drag instance for the Resize used by this Dialog.
Default Value: null

stack - boolean

If true give stacking habilities to the Dialog.
Default Value: true


public DialogManager newDialogManager(java.lang.Object cfg)
creates a new DialogManager instance


public AutoComplete newAutoComplete(java.lang.Object cfg)
Available configuration attributes:

alwaysShowContainer - Boolean

Always show the results container, instead of only showing when the user is requesting them.
Default Value: false

applyLocalFilter - Boolean

If set to true, the filterResults method will be run on the response from the data source.
Default Value: true

autoHighlight - Boolean

Automatically highlight the first item in the list when the results are made visible.
Default Value: true

button - Boolean

To use a button
Default Value: true

dataSource - Object | String | Function | Array

The data source that results will be read from. This can either be an existing DataSource object, or it can be a value that would be passed to DataSource.
Default Value: null

dataSourceType - String

The type of the data source passed into dataSource. This can be used to explicitly declare what kind of DataSource object will be created.
Default Value: null

delimChar - String

The character used to indicate the beginning or ending of a new value. Most commonly used is a ",".
Default Value: null

forceSelection - Boolean

If typeAhead is true, this will clear a selection when the overlay closes unless a user explicitly selects an item.
Default Value: false

input - String | Node

The input field which will recieve the users input.
Default Value: null

matchKey - String | Number

The key or numeric index in the schema to match the result against.
Default Value: 0

maxResultsDisplayed - Number

The maximum number of results to display.
Default Value: 10

minQueryLength - Number

The minimum number of characters required to query the data source.
Default Value: 1

queryDelay - Number

The amount of time in seconds to delay before submitting the query.
Default Value: 0.2

queryInterval - Number

When IME usage is detected or interval detection is explicitly enabled, AutoComplete will detect the input value at the given interval and send a query if the value has changed.
Default Value: 0.5

queryMatchCase - Boolean

When applyLocalFilter is true, setting this to true will match only results with the same case.
Default Value: false

queryMatchContains - Boolean

When applyLocalFilter is true, setting this to true will match results which contain the query anywhere in the text, instead of just matching just items that start with the query.
Default Value: false

queryQuestionMark - Boolean

For IO DataSources, AutoComplete will automatically insert a "?" between the server URI and the encoded query string. To prevent this behavior, you can set this value to false. If you need to customize this even further, you can override the generateRequest method.
Default Value: true

schema - Object

A valid configuration object for any of DataSource schema plugins.
Default Value: null

schemaType - String

A valid type of DataSource schema plugin, such as array, json, xml, etc.
Default Value: array

suppressInputUpdate - Boolean

Whether or not the input field should be updated with selections.
Default Value: false

typeAhead - Boolean

If autoHighlight is enabled, whether or not the input field should be automatically updated with the first result as the user types, automatically selecting the portion of the text the user has not typed yet.
Default Value: false

typeAheadDelay - Number

If typeAhead is true, number of seconds to delay before updating the input. In order to prevent certain race conditions, this value must always be greater than the queryDelay.
Default Value: 0.2

uniqueName - String

The unique ID of the input element.
Default Value: null


public Tooltip newTooltip(java.lang.Object cfg)

align - Object

Default Value: { node: null, points: [ BL, TR ] }

anim - Object

Default Value: { show: false }

hideDelay - Number

Default Value: 500

hideOn - String

Default Value: mouseout

showOn - String

Default Value: mouseover

title - boolean

Use the content of the title attribute as the Tooltip content.
Default Value: false


public Editable newEditable(java.lang.Object cfg)

cancelButton - String

Button constructor Object for the cancelButton.
Default Value: Button constructor Object.

contentText - String

Content text.
Default Value: ''

eventType - String

Event type to initialize the editable.
Default Value: 'click'

formatInput - function

Function to format the input text displayed on the input.
Default Value: null

formatOutput - function

Function to format the output text displayed on the input.
Default Value: null

icons - Array

Array with icons for the Toolbar.
Default Value: []

inputType - String

Type of the input used to edit the node.
Default Value: 'text'

node - Node

Node to setup the editable.

renderTo - String | Node

Node to render the editable.

saveButton - String

Button constructor Object for the saveButton.
Default Value: Button constructor Object.


public NestedList newNestedList(java.lang.Object cfg)